
Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics with ANSYS APDL ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL) is a powerful structured scripting language used to interact with the ANSYS Mechanical solver. Mechanical APDL (MAPDL), a finite element analysis program, is driven by APDL. APDL and MAPDL can be used for many tasks, ranging from creating geometries for analysis to setting up sophisticated solver settings for highly complex analyses. ANSYS...

Submodeling Technique from Beam to Shell28 Septembrie 2022 Submodeling, as the name suggests, is the modeling of a portion of a global model to capture the effects of refined mesh in a smaller model. This is done to avoid having the whole assembly meshed with fine elements. ANSYS Mechanical allows submodeling for structural (stress) and thermal analyses. In a thermal analysis, the temperatures calculated...

Structural Optimization Analysis with ANSYS DISCOVERY5 Septembrie 2022 The term structural optimization is commonly used for the optimization of engineering structures for improved strength or stiffness properties and reduced weight or cost.ANSYS Discovery 2022R1 provides topology optimization with the following options: Optimization for Strength or Response to Free Vibration. Optimization for a Specified Frequency. Optimization to Remove Excess Material. ...

Structural Optimization Analysis with ANSYS Mechanical16 August 2022 The term structural optimization is commonly used for the optimization of engineering structures for improved strength or stiffness properties and reduced weight or cost.ANSYS Mechanical 2022R1 provides the following optimization methods: 1. Topology OptimizationThere are two options implemented in ANSYS Mechanical software for topology optimization: Density Based Optimization: This method performs optimization based on...

Structural Optimization Analysis16 August 2022 How to get clean CAD Geometries and Optimized Design CheckingThe new topologies that are obtained in a topology optimization simulation cannot be used directly. They must be transformed in CAD geometries. We present below how to reverse engineering the optimized component using any of the four methods available in ANSYS Mechanical. There is one approach for lattice...

High Frequency Simulation and Verification Course16 August 2022 In the autumn of 2019 we started a High Frequency Simulation and Verification Course using ANSYS products at the Faculty of Electronics, Bucharest. It consisted of 3 hours laboratory sessions taking place every 2 weeks. The course reunited undergraduate, master and even PhD students since participation was optional.

Cavity resonances in two dimensions1 Septembrie 2020 This article is the final one from a pair of three, each characterizing a different frequency interval in the impedance profile of two parallel power planes. I investigated the capacitive interval in this older article, the inductance in a blog post from the last month available here and the resonances in planes in today’s article.

Spreading inductance in wide cavities1 August 2020 In this article I direct my attention toward the study of inductance. The reason why this measure is important to be studied is the same as previously mentioned with regard to capacitance, which I have in depth investigated in a previous article: almost every interconnect can be characterized up to a certain frequency as a lumped RLCG circuit.

Parallel plate capacitance approximation and limitations caused by the fringing effect1 Iulie 2020 For today, I directed my attention to studying the parallel plate approximation used to calculate the capacitance between two copper planes separated by a dielectric. This approximation does not take into account the fringe fields at the edges of the copper electrodes, which in some cases can become a large source of error.

Frequency-Domain characterization of FR-4 dielectric using Djordjevic-Sarkar algorithm1 Iunie 2020 However, our focus is directed today on something different, the variation of the dielectric constant of a material with frequency. This matter could at first sound strange and in contradiction with its name of "constant". Moreover, if we think of the dielectric constant as the factor that determines the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor we obtain a frequency dependent capacitance...

Investigation of mounting techniques for SMD capacitors1 Mai 2020 Capacitors, they store charge with the price of voltage between two plates separated by a dielectric. The main parameter that describes them is the capacitance and that is all we would like to find inside a capacitor, but how nothing in perfect in life, a small series (or parallel, depends of what model you choose to use) inductance and resistance...



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