Battery Thermal Management Using a Functional Mock-Up Unit3 September 2020

Ora: 17:00 (Romania)

In an electrothermal coupled battery analysis, a battery equivalent circuit model (ECM) is coupled with a conjugate heat transfer (CHT) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Ansys Fluent offers a variety of built-in tools for this type of coupled analysis. In some cases, the user has an existing ECM and would like to take advantage of Fluents advanced battery thermal capability using it. In Ansys 2020 R2, this can be achieved by importing a customer ECM into Fluent through a functional mock-up unit (FMU) and coupling it with Fluents advanced battery model to run a co-simulation. This enables the user to combine Fluents powerful battery capability with a custom battery ECM model. This webinar will showcase the FMU import capabilities within Fluent in Ansys 2020 R2, and its application to a 14S1P automotive battery module.



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