Ansys Maxwell: An In-Depth Overview30 Iulie 2020

Ora: 18:00 (Romania)

Ansys Maxwell is a low-frequency electromagnetic field simulation solution which uses the highly accurate finite element method. Maxwell includes a wide range of solution types and a complete design flow for your electromagnetic and electromechanical devices.

Join us for this webinar which highlights Maxwell’s key capabilities, such as automatic adaptive meshing, high-performance computing, multidomain system modeling, power electronics circuits and advanced material modeling. Additionally, we will demonstrate how you can use these capabilities to design and optimize applications including electric machines, transformers, actuators, wireless power transfer and permanent magnets.

  • Learn how to accurately characterize the nonlinear, transient motion of electromechanical components and their effects on the drive circuit and control system design.
  • Discover how to seamlessly link Maxwell solvers to integrated circuit and systems simulation technologies, enabling you to understand electromechanical systems performance prior to building a physical prototype.
  • Understand how to use Maxwell to capture a critical competitive advantage with increased speed to market, reduced cost and enhanced system performance.





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